Monday, November 2, 2009

Drums, Girls & Dangerous Pie Final Blog

Evaluate the novel. Explain what you particularly liked best about the book. What did you learn from reading this book? Would you suggest this book be read by my future 8th grade students?


Kayla F. said...

I liked the voice of the characters in this book. They all have bright personalites. I learned from this book in most situations you are not the most important person. I do suggest this book to future 8th grade students because I myself found this book to be interesting. Although this is not really my genre I enjoyed the book very much and I think other students would as well.

Rachael E. said...

I liked this book a lot. It was really great. I liked how everything was real unlike most books. The stuff that happened in this book really happens in real life. I learned not to always think about myself and to care about other people. Yes, I would suggest this book to the future 8th grade students because it is has good lessons for people our age to learn.

Rachael E. said...

I agree with Kayla that the book has voice and all of the students have bright personalities.

Kayla F. said...

I agree with Rachael E. that everything in the book was real and that it all could happen.

Xavier H. said...

This is a really good book. The characters seem very real and theres not a boring part in the whole thing. My favorite part of the book is when his brother makes the dangerous pie, because it sounds like something my little brothers would do. I learned from this book that you should always put others before yourself, because you might think you got it hard, but somebody always got it worse than you. I strongly suggest you read this book to your future 8th graders.

Xavier H. said...

I agree with Rachael that this book has lessons that future 8th graders need to learn.

Albert C. said...

I liked that the book has real problems that real people can have. It wasn't a book that is obviously made up, since it seemed it may actually have happened. The part about him forgetting to brush his teeth and needing to ration the tic-tacs was very funny, but also something anyone can have happen to them.

From reading the book I learned that many people have problems, which may be worse or not as bad as anyone elses, but everyone has problems. You may be the only person in your control, but your not the only person with problems.

This book should be read by your future 8th graders, since it is a very good book, and it is narrated by someone in the 8th grade during the story. Something that seems like this story and it's problems may also one day happen to someone in your classes' family or friends and the person may be able to give advice to them about how Steven handled the situation.

Maddy S. said...

I liked this book because you get the point of view from a normal 8th grade boy. I could relate to some of the things that he was dealing with. I realized that some of the things that happen in this book happen to all of us. How we deal with them is the difference.

From this book, I learned that in many situations other people may be much more important. Just because you think your life is about to end, just think that there is someone else who has it much worse than you.

I recomend this book for other 8th grade students because it teaches many important life lessons. It is also a very enjoyable book to read. Sometimes you may even find yourself in some of the same situations as a character in the book.

Maddy S. said...

I agree with Albert C. Everyone has problems, which may be not as bad as someone elses. You may be the only person in control, but you are not the only person with problems.

Josie R. said...

I liked the way the author made the book like a real thing. Not some made up story that could never happen. That can really happen to anyone, and that makes it so much more interesting. All of the characters seemed so real that it makes you really feel like your one of the characters and not the person reading it.

I strongly suggest the book to other 8th graders because it was interesting and not something that isn't able to happen. It makes one realize that anyone could get ALL and anyone could be in Steven's position.

From this book I learned that it is important to care about others when they need the comfort.

Aleah S :] said...

I really enjoyed this book. What I liked best about the book is all the different and talanted characters. They all have a different personality and it's an AMAZING book! :] I would defidently recomend future 8th grade student's reading this book!

Aleah S :] said...

Adding On: I learned that most of us have it better than we think. This colud happen to any of us and changes our lives forever!

Adrienne H. (: said...

This book has a lot of character. It hit kind of close to home with me. Not the Leukemia part. But the cancer part. My grandparents were both diagnosed with cancer in the past 6 years. It was kind of hard for me being then an 8 year old. And now 13 going on 14. But i knew exactly what was going on. I tryed to comfort my grandparents. I tryed to go to all of their Hospital visits. And i would do whatever they needed me too. My grandpa had Non-Hodskins Lymphomia. He was and still is one of my heros, along with my grandma. She is a very strong willed peoson. One who doesnt say no, and doesnt take no for an answer. But when she got breast cancer, it all changed. She was tired, and just didnt seem to like to do anything and I had to respect that. Cancer is a very life consuming disease. Cancer can take over the lifes of everyone around you. No matter what age, color of skin, or backround. Cancer doesnt discriminate, but why did it seem to me like the only thing that ever happened to my family was that they got cancer. I think this is how Steven felt. He felt isolated, and insecure. Like he couldnt do anything about Jefferys cancer, but by the end of the book he could. He had realized that he could be at Jefferys hospital visists. He could be there to hold his hand, he could be there to play games with him, in general he could just be there. From reading this book i have taken Mrs. Galleys advice : Instead of focusing on the things that you cant change, focus on the things that you can. I took it to heart. And it has already started to change my life. And yes let the future 8th graders read this book. It means alot, not only to me but my fellow class mates, and I think it touched each and everyone of us in our own special ways.

Alyssa K. (: said...

The novel, Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie by Jordan Sonnenblick, is an amazing novel that absolutely took my breath away. My favorite part of the book would have to be when Steven finds out that Samantha has passed on. I think it was the saddest part of the book but then again, I think it showed how Steven really felt about people and how much he cared for Samantha even though he only met her once. He cared if Samantha's sister was there or not. He cared about helping her and giving her a taste of a normal life. He cared so much about this girl, who he knew wouldn't be around much longer, enough to give her his special practice sticks. And Samantha cares enough about Steven that she gives back the sticks and made Steven promise to be there for Jeffy whenever he needed him. What Samantha said to Steven really played out in the end because it was the deciding factor on wether or not Steven was going to give up his big solo in the concert or go with his brother to the ER.
This book really spoke to me and I really think that every eighth grader needs to read it because none of these kids really know how much they are taking for graneted every day. Steven didn't know his little brother was going to fall off a chair, get a nose bleed, go to the ER, and end up being diagnosed with cancer! I think everyone needs to start thinking about that. Do you know how much you really should be thankful for that you don't give a second look every day? Maybe something like your family? After reading the novel I look at my family in a very different way and I take life one day at a time and look at every single day as one big hurdle. I always remember to try to not focus on the things I can't change and focus on the things I can.

Adrienne (: said...

I agree with Alyssa; her statement on the book abesoultly gave me chills. I did take my Family for granted before this book. And now i know that was wrong.

Alyssa K. (: said...

Wow, Adrienne really hit home with this one too! Relating her life with the life of Steven really helped me understand how she felt. As I said before, good job Addy! :)

Brianna B. said...

I loved this novel! What I liked about this book was that it was written in a way that was funny and easy to understand. I learned more about what cancer patients really go through in this book. Before reading it, I really didn’t realize how complicated the battle over cancer was. This book also taught me the same lesson Steven was taught, “Don’t worry about the things you can’t change, only worry about the things you can.” I would suggest reading this book to the future 8th grade students because it has a very good lesson involved in it. It also shows kids what a child and their family goes through if one of them has cancer.

Brianna B. said...

I agree with Maddy S. on how "some of the things that happen in this book happen to all of us. How we deal with them is the difference."
I think this is true because there are tons of things that happen to everyone, but everyone reacts differently to the same situation.

Emilie E. said...

I enjoyed the novel a lot. It was very realistic. Every character had really neat personalities. My favorite part was when Steven forgot to brush his teeth and had to divide up the tic-tacs in order to make it through the day. What happened in the book could be happening anywhere at anytime.

I learned a lot about leukemia and what their family has to go through. I also learned that many, many people have way worse situations than most people think they do.

I would definitely suggest reading this with the future 8th graders. It teaches a great lesson in it. I think that since it is told from a 13-year-old boy, a lot of people can relate to some of the problems Steven faces.

Emilie E. said...

I agree with Albert. The book gives great advice on how to handle many different situations. I think everyone should get the chance to read this book.

Josie R. said...

I agree with Brianna. This book really does show you what cancer patients families go through.

Samantha A. said...

I likeed how the author made the book seem so real. Anyone could be in Steven's position and go through the same thing that he did.
I learned that it is important to care for other people instead of thinking about yourself all the time. I suggest that other 8th graders read this book because you can learn a good lesson from it.

Samantha A. said...

I agree with Maddy that we all deal with things differently. How you deal with things can affect you and the people around you.

Madeline W. said...

My favorite part about the book is Jeffery's personality. I think it's funny when he jokes around with Steven, expecially for a five year old. He has a great sence of humor.
Reading this book taught me to appreciate the things I do have. And like Mrs. Galley said, worry about the things you can change, not what you can't change.
Yes, I would suggest this book to future 8th graders and other students as well. It is a great book that many people should read!

Madeline W. said...

I agree with Albert when he said this book has real problems real people would have. Many families know what it's like to know a loved one with cancer.

austin.s said...

What i liked about this book was its specific messege to the audience and how it related to the reader on a moor personal level. I learned from this book what i see to be a very valuble lesson of you need to stay and support your family through every thing and as stated in the book in life you need to focus on the things you can change instead of stress about the things you cant. I would highly recomend this book not only because it not only teaches kids valuble lesson about life but it shows then to appretiate things and people they have becaus they mite not always be there.

Austin.s said...

i agree with xavier this book is very compelling and if you did have siblings this book would teach the lesson even more clearly

Garret L. said...

The novel was a very good book. It had many characters that were very important. My favorite part of the book is at the end when they say jeffrey is growing his hair back again which means he is getting better. I leared from reading this book that luekimia is a very bad type of cancer that kid infint to 14 mostly get, and that there is a lot of coping with cancer. It is really hard to have someone in your family with cancer. Yes I would recomend future 8th grade students to read this book because it explains what familys that have someone with cancer go through.

Garret L. said...

I agree with with Rachael that this book would teach many lessons to future 8th grade students.

Albert C. said...

I agree with Austin on how the book related to us in a personal level since it was about an 8th grader, we are 8th graders, and it is written in a way that seems like the book may have actually happened.

Christina H. said...

I liked this book alot. It was a really good book and i think that the 8th graders should read it naxt year because you can learn a lot from it.
I learned alot from this book. One thing I learned is that everything is not always about you, even though you may want it to be. Also I learned "dont worry about the things you cant change focous on the things you can."
My favorite part about the book is when the band decided to shave their heads or to cut it really short. I liked it bacouse I thought I was really nice of them to do that. If I was Jeffrey I would be really really happy if someone did that for me.

Lucas S. said...

I think that this was a great novel. It had a lot of different things I likes about it. My fovorite part was when Steven had to go to the hosiptal with Jeffrey. It kept me wondering what was going to happen. This showed me that you should put other peoples situtations before yours. Steven realized that Jeffrey had a lot going on in his life. He also saw that it affected other kids besides Jeffrey. I strongly reccomend that the futrue 8th grades classes read this novel. It is one of the best books I have read and I enjoyed it a lot.

Christina H. said...

I agree with Maddy because I am sure that we all could relate to some of the things he was dealing with.

Devyn C. said...

This novel is a must read for anyone. Once you get to read it, it's hard to put down. The characters seem very real and have a lot of voice.
What I like best about the book it the cliff hangers at the end of almost every chapter. It got me exited to read the next part.
I also like that the characters are in situations that easily anyone can be in.
I learned from this book to look at the things you can change instead of looking at the things you can't.
I really suggest that not only 8th grade students, but everyone should read this novel.

Alex E. said...

"Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie" was a book showing how people change with every event, whether it be of major or minor importance. In the beginning, Steven is pretty selfish, and doesn't think much about anything that doesn't directly affect him. By the end of the book, Steven gives up his chance to impress everyone in the concert hall, to go with Jeffrey to the E.R. That shows a lot of character change from the beginning to the end.
In this book, were so many things to learn and feel, but out of all of those things, the one thing that hit me the hardest was probably the main moral of the story. Don't agonize over the things you can't change,but focus on the things you can. Only about a week or so ago i was saying that exact saying to one of my friends, and I think it helped them too.
This book has a lot of life lessons in it such as what being an adult is really about, and to focus on what you can change and not what you can't. I think that this is a great selection for an eigth grade student, because Steven goes through a lot of things that a normal eigth grader might experience. He has trouble with girls and takes everything he has for granted until he has none. It reminds me a lot of most every eigth grade student I've ever met.

Lucas S. said...

I agree with Albert C. that the book had real problems that real people could have.

Alex E. said...

I agree with Aleah S. in that we all have it a lot better than we think. Things could always get worse.

Elliott K. said...

I liked how this book is linked to so many real life situations and problems. Like how it talks about the little things instead of just the major problems the characters are having.

This book seemed like it was actually told by an 8th grader. It also showed me how hard life can be if someone in your family has cancer.

I would highly recommend this book for future 8th grade students

Devyn C. said...

I agree with Emile E. on how this book teaches a great lesson in it.

Elliott K. said...

I agree with Aleah S. it seems like we worry about are little unimportant problems when people in the world have these giant life problems.