Thursday, October 15, 2009

Drums, Girls and Dangerous Pie: Blog #3

In what ways does Steven's concern for Jeffrey show in his thoughts and actions? How does Steven attempt to entertain and comfort Jeffrey?


Xavier H. said...

Steven shows his concern for Jeffrey in many ways.Even though, he trys not to show how he is feeling to people, but Anette knows something is wrong. Steven tends to cry a lot when he talks about certain things doctor's have done to Jeffrey. He keeps all of his feelings bottled up and one day he is just going to have to let it all out.
Steven's usual way of comforting Jeffrey is just talking to him and saying "Hush, Jeffey". He also gives him drum lessons, play with him, and just whatever he can think of to keep his brother happy.

Aleah S. said...

Steven's concern show's through whatever he is doing. He may not try to show it, but it ends up coming though. Anette is the first one to notice though. His feelings come through the most while he is talking to his parent's though. When he has time to think of it, is when he feel's the worst. Steven attempt's to entertain Jeffery by telling him joke's and wanting to play with him. He comfort's him by telling thim that everything is alright and that he will be better soon and also letting Jeffery play his drum's.

Josie R. said...

There are so many ways that Steven shows his concern for Jeffrey, at school he tries to hide the fact that Jeffrey has cancer. Annette is the first one to notice how much Steven has changed. She asks simple questions and Steven just yells at her. Steven makes deals with God saying things like, "Take me. Don't take Jeffy. Please, Lord. Take me." Because he doesn't want to believe that Jeffrey has leukemia. Steven tries to comfort Jeffrey by playing games with him and giving him drum lessons. He pretty much does anything he can think of to comfort his brother during his illness.

Samantha A. said...

Steven's concern show's in everything he does. He doesn't want people to see that though. He doesn't tell any one at school.
Annette notices anyway and Steven just get's mad.
Steven entertains Jeffrey with drum lessons. He also uses Jeffery's action figure to comfort him.

Aleah S. said...

I agree with Xavier. Someday he is going to have to let it all out and I feel sorry for whoever is around him! :)

Adrienne H. said...

Steven shows concern for Jeffery in a lot of different ways. For one he plays with him at the hospital. Also he doesn't do his homework; which shows how stressed he is over his brothers situation. Thus, showing his concern. Steven entertains Jeffery at home; and at the hospital. Whenever Jeffery is around all Steven wants is for Jeffery to have a smile on his face, to know that everything is going to be okay.

Rachael E. said...

Steven shows his concern for Jeffrey in his thoughts and action because he is starting to act out at school. He isn't doing his homework at all. This shows that something is wrong. He also is always thinking about Jeffrey, even if he is also thinking about other things at the same time.

Steven attempts to entertain and comfort Jeffery as well. He brought Matt the Medic to the hospital to tell Jeffrey that he will be ok. He also jokes about Jeffrey not throwing food at the nurses and kissing them to try to entertain him. Steven comforts Jeffrey by holding his hand and letting Jeffrey lean on him while he was getting shots.

Kayla F. said...

Steven's concer for Jeffrey shows in alot of things he does. He is always trying to find a way to make Jeffrey feel a little better. Steven affors to give Jeffrey a drum lesson is order to calm him down. He also uses Matt the Medic to help Jeffrey stay brave. When Jeffrey has to go the hospital because he has a fever he sits with him and holds his hand. He talks to him and trys to keep him brave and strong. Steven also always jokes around with Jeffrey in order to try to make him smile and laugh.Steven will say things like, don't kiss the nurses on the lips it messes up their makeup, or no throwing food at the nurses. Steven is always playing with Jeffrey, whether it is a board game or a game they make up Steven is always trying to keep Jeffrey's spirts up.

Adrienne H said...

I agree with Aleah! Stevens efforts for Jeffery do show in everything he does. (:

Rachael E. said...

I agree with Aleah that Steven shows his concern for Jeffrey all time. Even if he might not mean to. He really tries to take care of Jeffrey too.

Kayla F. said...

I agree with Aleah that he takes most of his emotions out on his parents. Although it is most likely not on purpose.

Albert C. said...

Steven shows his concern for Jeffrey in many ways. Usually he just keeps it bottled inside thinking about it, which is making him space off in class and it's making him too worried to do homework. He often cries, though, when ever he talks about Jeffrey and whatever is happening to him. Pushing away Annette, his only worried friend, is also just because he didn't feel he was in the right time to tell anyone.
Steven has been trying to comfort and entertain Jeffrey too throughout his illness. He has been doing anything he can to get Jeffrey to feel better. He has let Jeffrey use his drums, a usual big problem with Steven, and he has been doing anything that Jeffrey might or does want him to do, from playing with him when he asks to making him breakfasts that he wants.

Albert C. said...

I agree with you Adrienne since Steven will do anything at all it seems to get Jeffrey to fell better at least a little no matter what he is thinking.

Josie R. said...

I agree with Adrienne. Steven tries his hardest to put a smile on his face for Jeffrey and make him happy.

Brianna B. said...

Steven shows his concern for Jeffrey by pretending nothing is wrong. He tries to tell himself that everything will turn out okay. At first, he thinks the doctors didn’t know what they were talking about and nothing is wrong with Jeffrey. After a while he finally accepts the fact his brother has cancer and gets pretty sad over it. He starts crying when he has to discuss the topic. Steven tries to entertain and comfort Jeffrey by making up a game when people come to visit. They try to guess whether the guest is going to be “cheery or frowny. “ He also took Jeffrey’s toys and pretended they were real by making them talk.

Brianna B. said...

I agree with Kayla F. on how Steven is always trying to make Jeffrey better. He does try to make sure Jeffrey is staying strong and brave during his sickness.

Anonymous said...

Steven shows his concern for in many ways. At first he tries to convince himself that Jeffrey’s diagnosis was a mistake. Later he accepts the fact that his brother has cancer but he tries another strategy. Steven then makes promises to God. For example, he says, “If I never hit Jeffery again, he’ll get better.” This shows that Steven really doesn’t want his brother to be sick. Steven comforts Jeffery by giving him drum lessons and playing games with him. He also pretends to be “Matt the Medic” to make Jeffery feel braver.

Emilie E. said...

Steven shows his concern for in many ways. At first he tries to convince himself that Jeffrey’s diagnosis was a mistake. Later he accepts the fact that his brother has cancer but he tries another strategy. Steven then makes promises to God. For example, he says, “If I never hit Jeffery again, he’ll get better.” This shows that Steven really doesn’t want his brother to be sick. Steven comforts Jeffery by giving him drum lessons and playing games with him. He also pretends to be “Matt the Medic” to make Jeffery feel braver.

Emilie E. said...

I agree with Adrienne H. Steven just stops doing his homework because he is worried about Jeffery, which shows his concern.

Xavier H. said...

I agree with Aleah. Steven is going to have to talk to somebody.

Maddy S. said...

Steven shows his concern for his brother Jeffrey in many ways. Is actions towards people such as Annette depict off of this. Annette said that he had changed. He stopped doing his homework, he was completly clueless in class, and he yelled at her constantly. He can't even talk about Jeffrey's illness without crying. At one point he just breaks down in his mothers arms.

When Jeffrey is around, Steven trys to put on his best face and act cheery and like nothing bad can happen. He does all he can to make Jeffrey feel like nothing is going on. He gives him a drum lesson to try and cheer him up and he askes God to take him instead of Jeffrey. He does as much as he can to keep his little brother happy.

Maddy S. said...

I agree with Aleah S. I think that even though Steven trys not to show that he is upset, his feelings end up coming through.

Madeline W. :] said...

I think Steven shows his concern for Jeffery a lot through out the story. Sometimes it might be by crying, and sometimes he shows it by trying to confort Jeffery. An example would be when he uses Mat Medic to try to cheer Jeff up. Also, he acts different at school and towards his parents. He simply just isn't himself since Jeffery was diagnosed. And, it's not just Annette who is noticing!

Madeline W. :] said...

I agree with Rachael when she said Steven is starting to act out at school! He is deffinatly getting more attention!

Devyn C. said...

Steven's major concern in the book is Jeffrey and only hopes he will make a recovery. Although he does worry about it he tries to hide it from others.

Like Maddy said, he can't even talk about it without bursting into tears.
This shows Jeffrey's illness is really taking a major impact on him.

Jeffrey makes sure that Jeffrey doesn't worry about it like he does. He tries to comfort him by playing games and pretend with him. This shows that Steven is a very careing brother.

Devyn C. said...

I agree with Emile that Jeffrey tries to convince himself that it all was just a mistake. Steven also is very defencive about himself and tries to convince others that there is nothing wrong with him.

Lucas S. said...

Steven has many different ways of showing his emotions and thoughts of Jeffreys feelings.One way he does this is not doing his homework. He only writes about Jeffrey's sickness in his English journal. The one person that notices this is Anette. She knows something is up with Steven.
Steven tries not to show Jeffrey how he is acting due to his illness. Steven does not mention any of the apperance differences of Jeffery. He also plays a lot of board games with Jeffery to comfort him.

Lucas S. said...

I agree with Brianna B. about Steven pretending nothing is wrong and that everything will turn out for the better.

Christina H. said...

Steven's concerns for Jeffery show in his actions because when he thinks about what Jeffery is going through he starts to cry. Steven is always thinking about Jeffery.

Steven always takes time to play with Jeffery even though he has to do his homework. He is always thinking of ways to make Jeffery happy. An example would be when Steven even gave Jeffery a little drum lesson. When Jeffrey is sad or scared Steven always is right there trying to confort him. Steven stayed in the hospital with him, held his hand when he wanted him to, and did everything to make him happy. One time he even brought Mat Medic to make him feel better!

AlyssaK(: said...

Steven tries to play with Jeffy in order to make him feel better. He tries to play checkers with him and tries to confort him with Matt Medic.
I agree with Madeline and Brianna. He is acting out a lot! I think that Steven will soon realize that that's not the answer. He should talk to someone now or he's going to have to let it all out like Xavier said.
When Steven is not acting out in school, not doing his homework, practicing the drums, and consoling his little brother, he's off-topic writing in his journal for english class. I think this is one of Steven's "Coping Mechanisms" and how he deals with it - he puts his thoughts on paper.