Friday, October 23, 2009

Drums, Girls & Dangerous Pie: Blog #4 (p. 131-175)

Describe a few of the causes of Steven's anger in this section of the book. If you were Steven, do you think you would react the same way? Why or why not? Also, although he feels lonely and neglected, what signs are there that others really do care about him?


Rachael E. said...

One cause of Steven's anger in this section of the book is that everyone tells him that they understand what he is going through. Steven doesn't think they do, though. Another cause of Steven's anger in this section is that his brother, Jeffrey, isn't getting better fast enough. Steven is angry that this has happened to him. I would probably react the same way as Steven because I would get very upset if my sister got leukemia too.

There are lots of people that care about Steven. Annette calls to check on Jeffrey and Steven
a lot. Renee asks about Jeffrey also. Lots of people at school also tell him how sorry they feel for Jeffrey.

Aleah S. said...

There are many causes of Steven's anger in this section of the book. One of them being that everyone say's they understand. Theat makes him mad because he says no one's brother has leukemia so no one know's what it feels like. Another is that Steven thinks that his brother is healing really slow and he want's him to get better faster.

I would act the same way because no one know's what I would be going through unless one of their family members had leukemia also.

Many people care about him. Annette askes constantly about his brother and himself. Also his teacher's care and they show it a lot.

Kayla F. said...

One of the causes of Steven's anger is that no one seems to pay attention to him. He acts out to his parent because he thinks they don't pay attention to him enough. Another reason why Steven is mad is because Jeffrey isn't getting better. I would react the same way if my 5 year old sister got leukemia, because it would be hard seeing her go through that.

Steven may feel lonely but he has lots of friends that care about him. Annette constantly asks how he is and if anything is wrong. Thought he may not know Annette really a cares about him. Jeffrey is another person who cares about Steven. Although it may be hard to see Renee cares about Steven too.

Rachael E. said...

I agree with Aleah that I would act the same as Steven because no one would know what I was going through unless someone had a family member that also had leukemia.

Xavier H. said...

Everyone keeps telling Steven they understand his pain and this makes Steven mad, because nobody could understand how bad this made him feel. He doesn't think he is getting enought attention at home either. I would probably feel the same way as Steven. Having to deal with your once happy and annoying little brother getting cancer and getting shut out by your parents, because they have to deal with Jeffrey costantly is a lot to handle. People do care about Steven, because the are constantly asking how he is feeling, asking if he needs help, trying to talk to him, and just trying to make sure he'll be okay.

Xavier H. said...

I agree with Aleah. I would probably act the same way as Steven if one of my brothers had cancer.

Aleah S. said...

I agree with Xavier. No one does know what Steven is going through unless they go through the same thing as Steven.

Josie R. said...

One of the causes of Steven's anger is that everyone thinks they know what he is going through. Another cause of Steven's anger is that Jeffrey is not getting better soon enough. I would be a wreck if my sister got leukemia, or if anyone I was close to did.

Lots of people care about Steven. Annette calls all the time to check on their family. People at school tell Steven that they understand his pain, even though Steven believes that they have no clue what he is going through. They tell Steven that they feel sorry for him and his family. Renee even asks about Jeffrey from time to time.

Josie R. said...

I agree with Aleah. No one else would understand how I really feel about my sister if she happened to get cancer.

Albert C. said...

One cause of Steven's anger is that he has to make up all of his homework even though he feels whats the point?,since his brother might not live until he has finished. Another is that every kid Steven knew "understood" his pain, but noone could understand his pain, since none of them have a brother with luekemia. If I was in Steven's position I probably would also be mad at most people, since it's just impossible for any of them to know what I would be going through and I would also be mad about the homework too, since it would seem like way to much if your brother might die soon.
Steven feels neglected since his parents ignore him because their taking care of Jeffrey, but lots of people are still caring about him. Annette calls and asks Steven about how he is going and whether or not Jeffrey is still fine. Renee asks him if he still is doing fine and even told the teachers about his brother, which shows she cares about him alot. Plus, the teachers care about him since they allowed him Christmas Break to complete his missed assignments since they were worried about his wellbeing.

Albert C. said...

I agree with Kayla about the fact that Steven is also quite angry about Jeffrey not getting better, mostly worse at this point.

Brianna B. said...

Steven’s anger is caused by lots of things. For example, Steven gets mad at home when his parents aren’t paying attention to him, like they are off in their own world. He gets mad because he gets sick with the flu and has to go to his grandparent’s house until he gets better. He gets mad while at his grandparent’s house because they don’t have any kind of technology that Steven wants to use.

If I was Steven I think I would act the same way in most situations because Steven is the kind of person who keeps things to himself until he can’t take it anymore and just pours everything out on someone. I act the same way as Steven most of the time, but once in a while I act a little differently.

A sign that people really do care for Steven is that people are always asking how he and his family are doing. Also, when Steven was sick at his grandparent’s house lots of people called, e-mailed, or somehow contacted Steven to see how he was doing. When Steven got back from school from being sick, they told him that they missed him at school.

Brianna B. said...

I agree with Albert C. on how "Steven feels neglected since his parents ignore him because their taking care of Jeffrey." I think thats a good way to sum up how he feels toward his parents.

Devyn C. said...

Steven is mad and depressed most of the time in this section. He is mad because now everyone knows about his brother and are bothering him about it. He is also mad because his family will not be able to pay the medical bills, so they might turn out homeless.

Steven is mostly mad because his brother might die and so he thinks "Whats the point?". You can tell that Steven is depressed.

If I were Steven I would be depressed that my brother might die, and that I might turn out homeless.

Steven does not realize that people are trying to help him. Annette, for example, is concerned about him and his brother by how much she tries to talk about it with him. His mother also tries to help him by offering counciling to him.

Devyn C. said...

I completely agree with with Albert C. about how Steven is in that "Whats the point?" mood.

Maddy S. said...

Steven's anger is caused by multiple things. Everyone at school keeps telling him that they "understand" what he is going through. The people have no clue! No one that they are close to has gone through leukemia. Steven must go through some pretty tough things and they could not match that. He is also very disipointed that Jeffrey is not getting any better. Steven's parents were not even paying attention to him at home. When he gets sick they ship him off to his grandparents for a week with no "real" food and nothing to do.

I think that I would feel the same way as Steven if my little brother got leukemia. I really would not like it if my parents started ignoring me eather.

Although Steven feels lonely and neglected, many people acually care about him. His parents don't mean to ignore him. They just have a whole not going on right now. They do say how proud they are of him though. Annette also cares about Steven. Even though she broke her arm and could no longer play the piano she was concerned about Jeffrey and how Steven was feeling. Every once in a while Renee Albert may even ask about Steven or Jeffrey. The teachers are also very concerned about Steven. They do everything that they can to make sure that he is alright. Mrs. Galley tells him to try not to focus on the things that he cannot change but work on the things he can.

Maddy S. said...

I agree with Xavier H. I think that your 5 year old brother getting diagnoised with leukemia and getting shut off by your parents is alot to handle. That would be a really tough situation to be in.

Emilie E. said...

There are several things that cause Steven’s anger. For example, when his mom is caught up in taking care of Jeffery and his dad completely stops talking to him, Steven gets mad because he feels lonely and left out. Another cause is when people at his school tell him they understand what he is going through. None of Steven’s friends really knows what it is like to have a brother with cancer.

Steven lets his anger build up inside of him until he can’t take it anymore and I respond to stress that way too. I think that if I were Steven, I would react in pretty much the same way. I would be anger at my parents for ignoring me and not talking to me. Also, if the people at school told me that they understood a problem that they haven’t had to go through, I would be upset about that too.

Others really do care about Steven, even though he feels lonely and neglected. Annette shows she cares by calling him several times while he was at his grandparent’s house. A few of Steven’s teachers called him when he was sick too. Also when he got back to school, everyone asked how he and Jeffery were doing.

Emilie E. said...

I agree with Maddy S. Steven’s teachers do everything to try to help him out. They give him extra time to complete his missed work and even let him see Mrs. Galley during class. Steven’s teachers are really concerned about him.

Madeline W. said...

Part of Steven's anger in this part of the book is caused by the fact that Jeffery isn't getting much better. I know that if my baby brother had Lekuemia I wouldn't be very nice towards others. That is a lot to handle and the kids at school aren't helping either, which is another reason of Steven's anger. Everyone at school says they understand when they don't! No one in Steven's school knows what it feels like to have a baby brother with cancer, so they shouldn't be saying they understand. I would feel the same way Steven feels.

Annette is a good example of someone who cares about Steven. He may feel lonley, but i know that he knows she cares. One way she shows it is by calling and checking up on Jeffery. I don't know very many people who would check up on the boy they like's brother. Also, Renee shows she cares, as well as Mrs. Galley and all the rest of the teachers.

Madeline W. said...

Part of Steven's anger in this part of the book is caused by the fact that Jeffery isn't getting much better. I know that if my baby brother had Lekuemia I wouldn't be very nice towards others. That is a lot to handle and the kids at school aren't helping either, which is another reason of Steven's anger. Everyone at school says they understand when they don't! No one in Steven's school knows what it feels like to have a baby brother with cancer, so they shouldn't be saying they understand. I would feel the same way Steven feels.

Annette is a good example of someone who cares about Steven. He may feel lonley, but i know that he knows she cares. One way she shows it is by calling and checking up on Jeffery. I don't know very many people who would check up on the boy they like's brother. Also, Renee shows she cares, as well as Mrs. Galley and all the rest of the teachers.

Christina H. said...

One cause of Steven's anger in this book is that his parents arn't even paying attention to him. His dad hardly ever talks to him he doesnt tell him whats going on. His mom will talk to him but not as much as she used to. Another cause of Steven's anger is that everyone tells him that they understand what he is going through. Steven gets mad about this because they DONT know what he is going through because their brother or sister doesnt have leukemia.
I would act the same way steven is because i would get mad because my parents arn't tellling me anything any more or asking me how my day was.

It shows that people care about him because Annette always asks about him and so does Renee. Also it shows that his teachers care because they are giving him more time to get his homework done. Another person that showes he cares is his dad. When he failed his math test he relized that he hasnt been paying enough attention to him and helps him.

Madeline W. said...

I agree with Maddy because Stevens' teachers do care about him. They show this by giving him extra time to catch up on his grades and letting him go see Mrs. Galley when he needs to.

Christina H. said...

I agree with Madeline when she says that if her baby brother had leukemia she wouldn't be very nice toward others. I wold be the same way.

Kayla F. said...

I agree with Maddy S. I would be mad if people continued to say they understood what I was going through but they didn't really.

Alyssa K. said...

Steven is so angry about everything going on so far. He's angry because people think that they know what he's going through, he wants Jeffy to get better and he doesn't understand why any of his promises to God aren't working, and he can't understand why this is happening to him. Steven's thinks that Jeffery got leukemia because maybe Steven didn't play with him once of maybe he yelled at him and Steven was being punished and so was Jeffy.

Personally, I don't think I'd react in the same ways as Steven did. I think that I would react more like Mr. Alper. I know, I know. "Why Mr. Alper?" "He's just a jerk who doens't talk to his kid." No. I see where Mr. Alper is coming from. Bottling up and being quitet, locking himself away is basically his coping mechanism and that's what I do when I'm angry or upset.

Steven feels neglected and lonely. These feelings come out the most in the chapter Starving in Siberia. Steven's parents ship him off to his grandparents because he's sick. I think that's where this all began. Steven doesn't see that a lot of people care about him. Annette, Renee, his parents, definately Jeffy, teachers, Mrs. Galley, and even some of his friends in band. Steven will get a big wake-up call when he has to go to Philly with Jeffy and when he gets home. I think he'll finally start thinking about other people's feelings and how other people act towards him.

Garret L. said...

One of the causes of Stevens anger is that everyone is carring about Jeffrey and not him. Another cause of his anger is that everyone tells him that they know what he going threw but they really dont untill they have a little brother with cancer. He is also angry that Jeffrey is not getting better fast enough. I think i would act the same way because if one of my sibling got leukemia.

One sign that shows that others really care about steven is that Annette is always asking him questions about his brother and him and how he is dealing with his brothers cancer. Another reason is that Renee Albert is worried about
Steven and go's and tells Mrs. Palma.

Alyssa K. said...

I definately agree with Xavier H. Going through having your little brother diagnosed with leukemia, him not being happy anymore, and getting shut out from your parents because they're constantly taking care of Jeffery must be a hard boat to be in. Just to add a little to Xavier's post, I think that Steven thinking he has nobody to talk to and that nobody cares is making everything a little bit tougher.

Garret L. said...

I agree with Rachael because if my little sister had leukima i would be very sad and angry all the time. I also agree with Xavier because no one know what someone is going through unless they allready experienced it.

Lucas S. said...

Steven has a lot of anger in this part of the book. When Steven gets sick, he has to go to his grandparents because Jeffrey can't get sick. His grandparents house doesn't have much. Steven is also angry because everybody thinks that they understand his position. Steven knows they don't because no one at school has a brother or sister with cancer.

I think I would act this way. It would be very hard in Stevens position. I would have a lot on my mind. I wouldn't want to deal with other people saying they understand my position when they don't.

One sign that other people care for him is that Anette offers to tutor him in every subject. Renee also says she would tutor him in math. Mrs. Galley also cares for Steven. She talks with Steven frequently just to see how he is doing.

Lucas S. said...

I agree with Garret L. when he said Steven is angry becaues everybody is paying attention to Jeffrey and not him.

Elliott.K said...

Steven was mainly angry because of his brother. When Steven got sick his parents sent him to his grandparent’s house which he described as "Starving in Siberia." He was also upset because his friends that sent messages to check on him mainly wanted to know how Jeffery was and not him.

Steven also has to worry about the massive amount of make-up homework he has to do while hiding it from his parents.

Steven was starting to get vary angry about how every one he talked to said, "I understand." He thought that they couldn’t possibly understand his pain.

In a way I think Steven is right for being angry with everyone, but on the other hand everyone is just trying to make him feel better.

Elliott K. said...

It seems like every one is explaining the main periods when Steven was angry. However some people did point out the little things that angerd him.